Seger för Simon Singh!
Friday, April 2nd, 2010Vi lyfter ett glas amontillado i riktning mot Court of Appeal på The Strand. Simon Singh har fått upprättelse i förtalsmålet drivit av British Chiropractors Association: de tre apellationsdomarna har beslutat att vad han skrev är “fair comment”, vilket är ett oerhört viktigt prejudikat. Ur The G idag:
The ruling, by England’s two senior judges, Lord Judge and Lord Neuberger, together with Lord Justice Smedley, was scathing of the way the BCA began libel proceedings rather than taking up the Guardian’s offer of a right to reply. It acknowledged that the action had a “chilling effect on public debate”. The BCA’s actions had created the “unhappy impression” that it was “an endeavour by the BCA to silence one of its critics”.
Hurra, skulle man också kunna uttrycka det.